5 months sober
The Sober Journey

5 Months Sober – How does it feel?


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I use an App on my phone to track how many days I have been sober, I used to check it daily but in recent weeks I have been looking a lot less.A lot of people have asked me when they will stop being obsessed with counting the days and stop thinking about alcohol and sobriety all the time, well I can tell you that after 5 months sober I am no longer obsessed with how many days since I last had an alcoholic drink and I don’t think about my old friend/enemy red wine that much either.

One of the members in the Be Sober group summed it up really well recently. She said when you first become sober it is like having a new-born baby, at first you count every day, then as time goes by it is weeks, then months and then years. This is how sobriety feels, after a few months you find yourself adapted and just getting on with your life again.

Without a doubt the first couple of weeks of sobriety are the hardest, it is a huge life-change but it really is worth it and the benefits and positive changes have been huge.

I have also connected with some amazing people in the sober-world and had the chance to interview some of the biggest selling authors who have written books that personally impacted on my life. I have also learned so much about the dangers of alcohol and the benefits of sobriety, on top of this I have made a bunch of new friends in the Be Sober private Facebook group.

So here I am 5 months sober and guess what:

  • I now have normal levels of anxiety
  • I am way less snappy and grumpy
  • My skin looks healthier
  • My eyes are brighter and have less dark around them
  • I have loads more energy
  • I feel at peace and calm within myself
  • I laugh way more
  • I have discovered a world of wonderful alcohol-free drinks
  • I am not obsessed by how long it is until I can have wine
  • I never have to have another hangover again
  • I never have to pay £7 at a gig for a pint of warm beer
  • I feel incredibly lucky to have found sobriety and feel really positive

As I can’t do anything by halves (including drinking) I am slightly obsessed with sobriety and love educating myself about it and helping others on the sober-journey, at least this is something positive to be obsessed with!

I also found in the first month or two of sobriety that I was watching what other people were drinking and if I am honest with myself I was a bit judgemental about other people’s drinking habits, now I can honestly say I don’t really notice and I don’t judge, it is their choice, however when I see people out of control from drinking it is hard not to to raise an eyebrow.

So here’s to getting past 6 months and the first year sober, who would have ever thought I would be writing those words!

If you are reading this and considering your own relationship with alcohol, trust me, it isn’t as hard as you think to make an amazing and wonderful change, join the Be Sober Facebook group and you will have all the support and love you need to get sober and start living.




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