Quitting alcohol feel like a failure

Before you declare yourself a failure for not quitting alcohol, read this.

If you are calling yourself a failure after trying to quit alcohol for the 100th time and slipping up by having a drink, my advice is to take a step back and a deep breath. First of all, you are not a failure. The fact you have realised you have a problem with drinking and …

How to stop thinking about alcohol

Controlling Thoughts About Drinking Alcohol

Over the months that I have been sober I have realised something…it is impossible to control your thoughts. Our brains create millions of different thoughts every day and you simply cannot suppress what might pop up, today mine have looked a bit like this: ‘You need to worry about how business is performing’ ‘You should worry …

Friends reactions when you stop drinking alcohol

Not everyone will understand when you quit drinking

When I finally made the decision and managed to stop drinking alcohol once and for all, I was so excited and proud of myself. I wanted to shout it from the rooftops and tell everyone about my wonderful life-changing achievement. For me it was huge, it was probably the biggest challenge and at the same …