What I have learned after 4 months of not drinking alcohol

20 Things I have learned after 4 months of not drinking alcohol

I can’t believe it has been 4 months since I made the monumental decision to stop drinking alcohol forever. For over twenty years I had drank red wine pretty much every day, usually a bottle a night, sometimes often more. As the years went by my dependency got worse and it started to dawn on …

Why your friends will hate you for being sober

Why some of your friends will hate you for being sober

After a month of being sober and knowing I would never return to drinking alcohol I was feeling really pleased with myself. This was possibly the biggest achievement and most positive life-change I have ever made, I never thought I could have done this! I wanted to tell people, surely everyone else would be as …

Best way to tell people you don't drink alcohol and you are sober

How to tell people you are sober & don’t drink alcohol

After a couple of weeks sober and realising that I would never return to drinking alcohol again I was feeling rather proud of myself and started to feel like I wanted to tell people, however, I had read in some of the sober-books that not everyone might be as excited and enthusiastic as I was. …