Do you keep a sober diary or jounal?
The Sober Journey

Do you journal your sober journey?

Do you journal your sober journey?

When I finally made it past Day 1 of not drinking (after many failed attempts), I decided to keep a journal and write down my experiences, I felt that it would help me look back at the highs and lows and hopefully see how far I have come over time.
The Alcohol Experiment website (which is free) includes a facility to journal each day and this was perfect for me as I am not a fan of pens and paper!
Keeping a journal isn’t for everyone, but I think it really helps and I now journal and write my progress and updates on the Be Sober blog.
Looking back over my previous entries it puts a smile on my face to see the progress I have made, from drinking at least a bottle of red wine every day to now being into my third month alcohol free.
Being sober is the ultimate act of rebellion, it goes against everything society has taught us, the challenges we face are not just from the act of not drinking but also from how people perceive someone who doesn’t drink. I have been called boring and quickly learned people who drink don’t like to be criticised about their habit by a non-drinker.
My advice for anyone starting their sober journey would be to keep a journal, even if it is just every few days, the benefits are huge and it provides a fantastic opportunity to get your feelings off your chest and into black and white for you to look back on in the future.

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