How much money do you save when you stop drinking alcohol?
The Sober Journey

I thought I would save a fortune when I stopped drinking!

When I quit drinking alcohol I made a note of how much I had been spending on red wine, it was between £8-£15 a day. Wow, over a year that comes to the best part of £4000!

I was already planning a holiday to the Caribbean and adding the huge money saving as yet another wonderful benefit of stopping drinking.

However, for me, the reality has been a bit different.

I think part of the issue is that I still like to have a drink with an ‘adult’ feel to it each evening. The other problem is that once I start drinking (anything) I can’t stop…

So now my daily spending looks like this:

2 x bottles of Fever Tree Tonic Water – £3

1/4 bottle of cranberry juice £0.75

1/4 bottle of either Seedlip or GinSin £2-£6.50

Total Alcohol Free Daily Spend – £5.75-£10.25

There is still a saving, but not enough for the Caribbean holiday.

I guess I could just stick to having a cup of tea, but I enjoy my new-found alcohol free drinks and I wasn’t ever doing this for the money saving.

I just found it interesting that almost every sober-book I have read has a chapter dedicated to the huge money saving, but my reality is that I haven’t really saved much.

I would love to know how much other people have saved since the went sober, if they have started drinking Seedlip at £26 a bottle it could well be costing more than the alcohol habit!



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