Recovery Trekking interview with Milly Day

Interview with Milly Day from Recovery Trekking

Interview with Milly Day, social media manager and soon to be guide for Recovery Trekking

I am really excited to have the chance to interview Milly Day. Milly is part of the founding team behind Recovery Trekking, which offers a unique path to recovery from addiction. You can find out more via their website: or on the Facebook page here:

Recovery Trekking Interview

Recovery Trekking – Rehab Reimagined

Milly has also been on her own journey to sobriety and I wanted to find out more about her story.

Simon – Milly, thank you for taking the time to talk to the Be Sober group, I would love to hear your own story?

Milly – Hi Simon, it’s truly a pleasure! My story is quite long, but I’ll give it to you in a nutshell. I finally surrendered and admitted I had a drinking problem back in May 2015 when, after a series of drunken incidents, whereby I harmed both myself and others, I decided enough was enough and I needed to stop. Since I had never managed to control my drinking on my own, I joined a 12 step program just a couple of days after I’d had my “rock bottom” and since then, I (thankfully) haven’t touched a drop of alcohol.

For me, putting down the drink was the easiest part; it had stopped being enjoyable and brought nothing but misery. Dealing with all the feelings and emotions that came up (and that continue to come up) is what I really struggled with. My journey in recovery has been a bumpy one, but I’m an advocate of living a rich and fulfilling life in sobriety and since 2015, I’ve lived and worked in various parts of the world, including Borneo, the Philippines, Thailand and Germany. I still go out, I love dancing and I love to meet new people and try new things. Recovery certainly doesn’t have to be dull!

Simon – Tell me about the Recovery Trekking service you offer? It looks very interesting and exciting.

Milly – Yes, I believe it is! The idea behind Recovery Trekking is to help alcoholics and addicts that are looking for a unique way to heal their mind, body and soul.

Our programs consist of trekking with a guide, either solo or in a group, along the Camino de Santiago, a renowned pilgrimage route in Spain. For those who are new to recovery, and who have perhaps struggled to get well through the conventional methods like rehab, we offer treks of 30 days that will take you into history, 12 step addiction fundamentals and fellowship. Those who have been in recovery for a while  can opt to go on shorter treks of varying lengths, as a kind of sobriety booster.

Recovery Trekking Addiction Help

Camino de Santiago – Click to enlarge map

Recovery Trekking was started up by two friends and fellow alcoholics from the States in March of 2017, then I joined the team earlier this year.  As it is a very new enterprise, we are still yet to take a group out, but we are planning to do our first trek in March next year- watch this space!

Recovery Trekking

Simon – Are there specific techniques you use to help your clients? For example the 12 step program?

Milly – Our programs consist of trekking with a guide, either solo or in a group, along the Camino de Santiago, a renowned pilgrimage route in Spain. For those who are new to recovery, and who have perhaps struggled to get well through the conventional methods like rehab, we offer treks of 30 days that will take you into history, 12 step addiction fundamentals and fellowship. Those who have been in recovery for a while  can opt to go on shorter treks of varying lengths, as a kind of sobriety booster.

We are looking to combine the the success of 12-step programs with the tradition of religious pilgrimage. Our recovery protocol incorporates 4-8 hours of moderate physical exercise each day, 12 step work and a daily routine of meditation and reflection. We also believe that there are a few fundamentals that make all the difference between short-lived recovery and lifelong recovery, which define all of our programs and are reinforced every single day during the trek. These fundamentals include honesty, accountability, humility, self-esteem and the willingness to believe in a power greater than oneself.

Simon – What advice would you give to Be Sober members who are new to sobriety and starting out on their own journey?

Milly – My advice would be however you choose to get sober, don’t try and do it alone. Coming off alcohol, or any substance, alone can be extremely painful and difficult. There is a huge support network available to alcoholics and addicts, so be sure to use it. The love and care I’ve received from the fellowship of this 12 step program is what has helped me stay sober and clean.

The other piece of advice I have is to approach everything with an open mind – many people freak out at the idea of believing in a Higher Power, for example, but as long as you are willing to try then you will no doubt be amazed by the results. This has certainly been my experience.

Simon – Do you ever have thoughts about drinking? If so, how often? And how do you deal with them?

Milly – I don’t any more and actually I’m quite fortunate in the sense that I lost all desire to drink the moment I decided to seek help. That said, I have fantasised about using other mind-altering substances, such as weed and MDMA, as I didn’t have nearly so many bad experiences on those. However, when I get those thoughts, I do what’s called “playing the tape”, ie I think about what would come after that initial buzz: disappointment, regret and a whopping great comedown. That way I remind myself that it’s simply not worth it.

Simon – I am often asked about how people should deal with reactions from friends and family when they tell them they have quit drinking, what words of advice do you have?

Milly – Telling friends and family that you’ve quit drinking can be daunting but, more often than not, you’ll find their reactions will be positive. When I announced that I was no longer going to drink, my ex boyfriend was thrilled (once he finally saw that I was serious), my mother was relieved, and my friends were, and still are, extremely proud of me.

You may find some friends don’t want you to quit because they’re desperate for drinking buddies, but they’ll come to terms with it eventually and if not, then are they really worth your time? Getting sober will make you see who your real friends are. The most important thing to remember is that you are doing what’s best for you, not for anybody else.

Simon – If you had just one tool to help quit drinking what would it be and why?

Milly – Just the one? Hmm… that’s tricky! It would probably be constant contact with other alcoholics and people who are willing and able to help you get sober. Like I mentioned before, the love of the fellowship I’m a part of has helped me no end, as it fills that void that alcohol failed to fill. I meet regularly with other alcoholics, have an excellent sponsor, who is taking me through the 12 steps, and am part of a number of online communities, such as Be Sober. Going through tricky times in sobriety has been far more bearable, thanks to the help of these people.

Simon – Thank you Milly, I wish you and the Recovery Trekking team every success.


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