Heineken 0% Alcohol Free Beer
The Sober Journey

Long Weekend Done!

So my wife is now back from her trip overseas, I had four days home alone (with my teenage son). I thought this may be a test of my sobriety strength but I kept myself busy around the house and took my son out to a couple of nice restaurants and the days flew by.

I didn’t have any thoughts about wine, well maybe a couple of little ones when I sat down late in the evening on my own but I had my trusty alcohol-free GinSin and tonic to enjoy and those thoughts soon passed.

The restaurants were great, one of them was a Caribbean place called Turtle Bay which I love, they do amazing jerk chicken and also stock Heineken 0% which made the evening all the better.

I love being able to have a couple of AF beers and then driving home, it feels kind of weird!

I am also back running again after nearly three weeks recovery from my operation, really happy to have my trainers back on as it is yet another great way of focusing the mind away from alcohol onto something positive, plus, I have the Valenica Marathon in December and need to get the miles in beforehand.

Great to see more new members join the Be Sober private Facebook group, I love the sense of community the group has and how everyone looks out for each other with words of advice, support and encouragement, in some respects it is nice that it isn’t a huge group, the smaller number of members gives it a really lovely personal feel.

Finally, good luck to everyone doing Sober October, much as I love the month of sobriety concept, I hope it provides the first step on the journey to full sobriety for a good number of the people taking part. One month isn’t really enough time to experience all the benefits of a sober life, but you will certainly start to see the green shoots of a better life growing.


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