How to make a Positive Me diagram
Reader Posts

Positive Me – Reader Post

I am delighted to have this wonderful contribution from Heather, a founding member of the Be Sober private Facebook group.

Heather shares below how creating a ‘Positive Me’ page is a great way to help you treat yourself with loving kindness.

Heather says:

Positive Me – “I spoke to someone recently about writing a diary and she agreed that it was a good idea. I decided to go and have a look for some old diaries and came across a piece of paper that I’d written out a few years ago called Positive Me.

So I thought this might be helpful to share with the Be Sober group. It’s quite a simple concept, well simple-‘ish’ if you are like me and come across to everyone as confident but actually inside I am totally full of self-doubt. I think the original Positive Me page was done after a counseling session I did a few years ago in which my counselor would have recommended no doubt…along with standing in front of a mirror every day trying to say I love you (TO MYSELF) talk about cringe!

So back to the Positive Me page. Try to think of everything you love, like, have accomplished, positive things, happy occasions, birthdays, dogs, puppies, a special date anniversary. Think of your headings put them in a bubble surrounded by Positive Me in a bubble in the middle of the page…see the example here.

How to make a Positive Me diagram

Maybe you could get a loved one to help you, remind you of your talents, strengths your positive personality traits to help build you up in this time that we all are trying to find ourselves again, Sometimes we can forget all the great things that make us the special people we all are. Keep on the Be Sober journey because you want to be positive about your future and your life ❤

Thanks to Heather for sharing and I hope this helps anyone who wants to treat themselves with more loving kindness and be grateful for what they already have.



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