Be Sober - Sober Blogger & Alcohol Group

Liberation v Fixation

In a recent coaching session we spoke about Liberation v Fixation. The topic made me stop and think and it really hit home to me how much I was ‘fixated’ when I was drinking. If you are reading this blog you have probably asked yourself the dreaded question ‘Am I An Alcoholic?’, I know I …

Simon Chapple Interview with Annie Grace from This Naked Mind

Interview with Annie Grace – Author of This Naked Mind

I recently had the opportunity to interview Annie Grace author of This Naked Mind and founder of The Alcohol Experiment. This Naked Mind was the book that enabled my to change my own relationship with alcohol, it made me adapt my mindset from ‘Can’t Have’ a drink to ‘Don’t Want’ one, so I was really …

Why your friends will hate you for being sober

Why some of your friends will hate you for being sober

After a month of being sober and knowing I would never return to drinking alcohol I was feeling really pleased with myself. This was possibly the biggest achievement and most positive life-change I have ever made, I never thought I could have done this! I wanted to tell people, surely everyone else would be as …

10 Fears you have to face in order to quit drinking alcohol

10 Fears you have to face in order to quit drinking alcohol

10 Fears you have to face in order to quit drinking alcohol When the first thoughts of quitting drinking started jabbing away at my brain (guilt and self-loathing I think it’s called), I never thought it would turn into anything more than exactly that, a few thoughts that I would keep on dismissing, before very …