200 Days Sober with Annie Grace
Alcohol Coaching, The Sober Journey

What a Month!

It has been a while since I posted, sorry about that!

A while ago someone said to me that when you quit drinking there are so many huge benefits and often new opportunities arise that you never expected. Of course, at the time I didn’t give it much thought, but now I know it really is true!

After I started my blog I wanted to interview Annie Grace, author of This Naked Mind. After all, her book changed my life and she is someone I have huge respect for.

Amazingly Annie agreed to an interview with me, which you can watch here on the website. After the interview we got talking and Annie said she was looking for a new coach to join her team. What an opportunity!

Before I know it I am on a plane to the USA to meet Annie and her team, I was at a point in my life where I had stepped back from day to day involvement in my business and wanted something to get my teeth into, I just didn’t know what – until now!

On my tour of the USA I visited LA, Colorado and New York and while I was there I immersed myself in the training, I wanted to know everything and be the best coach I could possibly be.

The trip to America was amazing, I spent time with Annie and also Scott Pinyard her Head Coach and I learned so much and felt equipped to help anyone in the grip of alcohol make a change.

I went from the sun and beaches in LA to 3-feet of snow in Colorado then onto the lights and noise of New York. I did all the usual tourist stuff, including a trip up the Empire State Building and taking in a show on Broadway.

When I got home to the UK the thought of actually doing this and coaching people made me nervous, however I was confident in my ability and I knew I had a sound understanding of the strategies to help people quit drinking.

The first couple of live coaching sessions were nerve-wracking, but I got through and my confidence has grown. I have found the key to success is just to be myself.

Fast forward to today and I am now helping run coaching groups for This Naked Mind and I am officially a certified Naked Mind Coach – I mean, seriously who would have ever thought this would happen a year or two ago!

When I first set up Be Sober all I wanted to do was share this amazing new life I have found, the group grows in numbers ever day and this opportunity is helping me spread the message even further.

When you quit drinking you tend to just think about the obvious benefits, but I know so many people who have had incredible and unexpected things happen to them, all because they gave up the booze.

I love running Be Sober and working as an alcohol coach for This Naked Mind and I am incredibly passionate about it, I suppose if I am being selfish I like the fact I am helping other people, it makes me happy and gives me a huge sense of achievement.

If you are early in your sober-journey you might just be surprised at what lies around the corner for you!

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