The Alcohol Free Co
Alcohol Free Drinks

Where To Buy The Best Alcohol Free Drinks – Guest Post By Tom Proctor from The Alcohol Free Co

My names Tom and I’m the director of The Alcohol Free co selling on our own website and amazon. 7 years ago my life looked entirely different. I had severe corrhosis of the liver, I was bright yellow, even my eye balls glowed and I spent weeks in the high dependency liver unit at Whitechapel Hospital in London. This was the turning point in my life. I had to detox there, I had no choice. I was stuck in my bed, rapidly losing weight and just doing whatever I could to make sure I went home someday soon.

Fast forward 6 years and I hadn’t touched a drop of alcohol, was healthy(ish), and bored of drinking Coca Cola and orange juice! I was married and had the most beautiful 4 month old baby girl. Everything I had dreamt of in that hospital bed was coming true. But very few pubs sold Becks Blue, some locals got it in especially for me, but this took time and they would always forget to reorder. So like everyone I turned to the internet for decent drinks so I could enjoy socialising still in my twenties. I found a Spanish company who made alcohol free Gin, Whisky and Rum so I ordered some with honestly rather low expectations that it could be this simple to find. Turns out I was very surprised at how familiar the tastes were whilst knowing I was still alcohol free. Ronsin, the rum alternative, with coke tastes identical to a Cuba Libre and I was back in Cuba, just turned 18, sunning myself with no cares in the world. The Whissin whiskey even foamed up like a Jack Daniels. I could taste the oak barrels, albeit artificial, it was exactly what I needed to feel ‘normal’ out with friends again.



So why couldn’t I find these great options for 6 years?!?

One night, very late when my wife was in bed, I placed a bulk order from the Spanish manufacturers and took a big leap that other people are looking for better options to be alcohol free. (Beware if you’re thinking of doing this, wife will not be happy to see how much you’ve spent whilst she slept) I must admit I was nervous, we had a young family and don’t have spare cash to waste.
Registering to sell on amazon is not an easy process! You need to be able to decipher their exacting legal language and jump through numerous hoops to prove yourself to be worthy to be on their listings.

Fast forward another 12 months and I am definitely more bald than when I started but I have very much mastered my smug face. Orders trickled in within the first 24 hours as the products reached the top of each amazon page and it grew and grew.

I have met so many lovely people throughout this venture. Most are alcohol free since addiction or for medical reasons, yet there is a new wave of people not drinking to look after themselves and ditch the British binge-drinking culture. In December 2018 I met and teamed up with Sober is fun, a company organising sober comedy nights in locations across Essex and we have just had our first central London event and that was a big hit too! Being in a room full of sober people having just as much fun as I did down the pub before I got ill is fantastic! Everyone is buzzing and trying new drinks discussing how and why they chose to be alcohol free.

Best Alcohol Free Drinks

So what’s next ..


Our brand is becoming more popular and we are looking at a number of export opportunities across the world… but the thing I’m most excited about is that we are going to be looking for a charity to sponsor in order to dedicate all profits from our eBay sales to. If you would like to suggest a charity for this please contact us via any of our social media channels.


As I type, business is booming and I am loving every minute of it. Yes at times it’s hard, I have a full time job and have a dedicated team of staff looking after the orders, but I love it! I’ve lost count of the amount of people who have benefitted from our drinks and who have thanked me for giving them the opportunity to socialise without feeling any different. I believe non alcoholic drinks can be used as a great tool to achieve sobriety or cut down your drinking – it has worked for me but think carefully, as for some, it can be a trigger.



Don’t forget to check out our website and any questions message us through Facebook, Instagram or Twitter! There is also a discount for Be Sober fans – just use discount code besober5 at the checkout.

Stay sober, Tom.